
Friday, January 18, 2013

40 Days for Life Statistics - Great News!

Next Tuesday, January 22, marks the 40th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion on America and led to the death of more than 55 million children ... and the wounding of millions of women -- and men.

In the midst of this crisis, there is new HOPE.

Starting from one hour of prayer, 40 Days for Life has spread rapidly across America and around the globe,
empowering more than half a million volunteers in hundreds of cities -- including YOU -- to pray and fast,
stand in peaceful vigil, and engage in effective community outreach.

As a result, 6,749 babies have been saved from abortion. Thousands of women and men have been spared from lives of regret. 75 abortion workers have had conversions and left their jobs. 26 abortion centers have closed down for good.

And every baby, every mother and father, every worker, every closure is an AMAZING STORY.

On January 22, forty of these stories will be revealed in full detail -- for the very first time -- in the landmark new book, "40 Days for Life: Discover What God Has Done ... Imagine What He Can Do."

On January 21, at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific), one night before the book is released to the world, you are
invited to attend a historic webcast "sneak preview" of  the compelling stories which fill the pages.

During the webcast, you will hear dramatic, first-handaccounts of:

* Hearts changed on the most controversial issue in our culture ...

* Babies and mothers saved from abortion at the last possible second ...

* Insider revelations from behind the closed doors of  the abortion industry...

* Abortion workers having conversions and quitting their jobs ...

* Thriving abortion centers shutting down for good ...

... And, most importantly, you'll discover exactly how YOU can change more hearts and save more lives from abortion -- right in your home town.

This book has been enthusiastically endorsed by nearly every national pro-life leader, and is becoming a unifying point and a clarion call to action for our entire movement at this crucial time.

This is the GOOD NEWS you've been waiting for!

This announcement is being sent to hundreds of thousands of people and there are limited available spaces on the webcast -- so REGISTER NOW before it's filled up:

Register here

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