
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abortion Statistics

By Maurie Hartman

We see so much REPEATING of the highly inaccurate, "played" down of the statistics on abortions. I don't know who started it, but one after another of Pro-Life organizations report the SAME flawed data on the numbers of abortions. Supposedly “pro-life” organizations are reporting that there have been 55 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade!! From where did that number come?? They copied it from pro-abortion propaganda!!!

It is the number of Government only PAID FOR abortions!!

Those reported by CDC are 1.3+ million per year that are paid for by Government funds and real TOTALS (including those paid for by others - the father, family, churches, the pregnant woman [not mother]) is 3.7 million per year!!

Remember that these numbers ONLY consider the numbers reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and CDC only reports the numbers of abortions PAID FOR by Government Federal or State funds. So, they do NOT include the abortions paid for by themselves, friends, parents, the father who wants no records kept, etc.

In order to get the real numbers figure it this way:
Gov paid abortions are about 1.4 million per year.
non-Gov paid are about 2.3 million per year.
Total are 3.7 million per year.

The data has been analyzed and proven to be consistent year after year since Roe vs. Wade and consistent with birth records in America since WWII (research old records to get the data - most recent ones have been "adjusted")!!
We are looking at close to 150 million TOTAL abortions in America since 1973!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if they killed the mother instead for getting pregnant and let the baby live? After all, the mother had a chance already for life and the baby has done nothing wrong!
That seems ridiculous, of course, but is more arguable than killing the baby - who had no part in the activity!!
Maurie Hartman is semi-retired and lives in Placentia, California

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