
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Catholic Bishops Launch Prayer Campaign Against Abortion

The nation’s Catholic bishops have launched a major pastoral initiative calling for prayer and penance to help build a culture that is favorable to life, marriage and religious liberty.

“The call to prayer and penance includes monthly Eucharistic Holy Hours in cathedrals and parishes, a daily family rosary, special Prayers of the Faithful at all Masses, fasting and abstinence on Fridays, and a second observance of a Fortnight for Freedom,” says U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Executive Director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Tom Grenchik.

 Grenchik said the initiative emphasizes that life, marriage, and religious liberty are foundational to Catholic social teaching and fundamental to the good of society.

 “During this call to prayer and the Year of Faith, our nation faces the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade,” he continued. “Since that tragic decision, more than 55 million children’s lives have been lost to abortion and the lives of millions of their parents have been shattered. Whether you choose to participate in the national March for Life or in local rallies, marches or liturgies in your own diocese, please consider participating in the Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage from January 19 to 27, 2013. These nine days, surrounding the Roe v. Wade anniversary and focused on the theme of pilgrimage, are part of the nationwide pastoral initiative.”

continue reading article here

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