
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 6: Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage

For those whose work involves promoting abortion and contraceptive use: may God help them understand that the casual sex they foster undermines the capacity for the self-giving, faithful and enduring love that is the longing of every heart.  
 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's, Glory Be

On this feast of St. Francis de Sales, let us consider these words of the great saint: "All that we do must be motivated by love and not force. We must love to obey rather than fear to disobey." St. Francis reminds us that all of our actions must be borne of a spirit of love, and that we find our freedom in living the truth. As we defend the dignity of human life, let us ask St. Francis to pray for us so that everything we say and do for unborn children and their grieving parents is imbued with both compassion and truth.

Acts of Reparation (choose one)
  • Learn how to pray the Angelus prayer and get into the habit of saying it every day - at noon, 6pm or on awakening (or all three times). 
  • Today ignore your sweet tooth. Make healthy eating choices. 
  • Clean a room in your house without being asked or without telling anyone. Pray for your family members while you clean "and your Father who sees in secret will repay you" (Matthew 6:6). 

Did you know?
Surveys shows that most young adults want to be married one day, but contraceptive use encourages
self-centeredness rather than self-control and long-term commitment. The percentage of adults who are married has fallen from over 72% in 1960 to only 52% in 2009, and many men are no longer willing to marry the mother of their children. Single women have 83% of abortions. Currently 41% of births in the U.S. are to single moms, up from 17% three decades ago. Cohabiting and
single-parent families are 3 times more likely to be poor and face higher risks (compared to married families) of physical and mental abuse, dissatisfaction with life and depression. Citations are found in the 2012 contraception article.

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