
Monday, January 28, 2013

Good Council Homes

Good Counsel Homes is a ministry which helps homeless pregnant mothers, with or without other children, return to school, find jobs and take the next good step in life.

Good Counsel is a family for those in need, serving God who is the Father of the orphan, defender of the widow, and who gives the lonely a home to live in (Psalm 68). Our Lord's call to serve the disadvantaged compels us to advocate on behalf of single mothers and their children and to offer love, shelter, and the opportunity to grow in self-respect and independence. We invoke the patronage of Mary, the Lady of Good Counsel, to help us protect mothers in need and to love their children from the moment of conception.

Good Counsel, a nationally recognized nonprofit, was founded in Hoboken, NJ by Father Benedict Groeschel, CFR, and Christopher Bell.

Chris’ Story

While working with homeless runaways in New York's Times Square, Christopher Bell became troubled. He saw many single pregnant women on the streets who were pregnant and with seemingly nowhere to turn. One day Chris made a remark to his spiritual director, Father Benedict Groeschel, "Somebody should do something to help these pregnant women!" Father Benedict looked Chris directly in the eyes and said, "You are right Chris! And you are that somebody!" With that encouragement, Good Counsel was born.

Chris and Father Benedict found an abandoned convent in Hoboken, New Jersey and in March 1985, the first home for mothers and children opened its doors. Since 1985, more than 3,500 women and children have received residential help at Good Counsel.

In addition to the basics of food, clothing and shelter, single mothers benefit from many "life skill" programs including parenting classes, nutrition, career guidance, chastity teaching, spirituality and budgeting. Daycare is available in each home so that a mother may work or return to school to complete her education.


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