
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How Did Obama the Abortion President Win the Nobel Peace Prize?

by Steven Ertelt

 The leading pro-life member of Congress noted the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade today and dogged pro-abortion President Barack Obama with a key question.

 With his extensive pro-abortion record, how did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize, he asked.

  Members of the Congressional Pro-life Caucus on Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade by highlighting the stories of women who regret their abortions.

“Women who have been so hurt by abortion [are] truly the untold story that needs to be told on Capitol Hill and everywhere else in the United States,” said the co-chair of the caucus, New Jersey Republican Rep. Chris Smith, who called the years since Roe v. Wade “40 years of government-sanctioned violence against women.”

 Smith lamented the approximately 55 million fetuses that have been aborted since the practice became legal nationwide, and called President Barack Obama the “abortion president.”

“Future generations will look back on America and wonder how and why such a seemingly enlightened society — so blessed and endowed with education, advanced science, information, wealth and opportunity — could have failed to protect the innocent and inconvenient,” Smith said. “They will wonder how and why a Nobel Peace Prize-winning president could have also simultaneously have been the abortion president.”

full article here 

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