
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Leaning Forward But Knocked Back: Pro-Lifer Rocks MSNBC Interview

MSNBC interview Ryan Bomberger of "The Radiance"

By now, everyone knows that mainstream media once again neglected its duty to inform the American public. Most turned a blind eye to the hundreds of thousands that participated in the March for Life on Friday, January 25th in DC.  The MSM was sure to cover the barely one thousand anti-gun/anti-2nd Amendment protestors who assembled at the same National Mall. ABC News, and many media outlets, oddly highlighted Newark Mayor Corey Booker for his deep humanity in his “heroic” act to save the life of a freezing dog! Way to cover the important stuff.

MSNBC hasn’t been silent on the abortion issue at all, though. Granted, they’ve taken the 40th Anniversary of Roe to heavily promote it through many hosts like Maddow, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Toure. They even invited the largest abortion chain’s spokesperson, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, to discuss the need to increase access to abortion (as if there’s any lack of access now). Toure “thanked God for abortion” as he explained he was in a “committed” relationship when his girlfriend got pregnant. But he knew she wasn’t “the one”. So much for “commitment”. She had an abortion. He thanks God.

Nothing like news media personalities shilling for killing.

As hard left as MSNBC feels it needs to lean to go forward, we give them kudos for asking The Radiance Foundation to share our perspective. We just don’t think they were prepared for a pro-life advocate (an adoptee and adoptive father) who wasn’t taking the liberal pro-abortion bait.


article continues here 

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