
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Louisiana Named Most Pro-Life State, Washington Most Pro-Abortion

A new report from Americans United for Life, that monitors changes to pro-life laws on abortion and bioethics and end-of-life issues named Louisiana the most pro-life state in the nation. Washington state came in at the bottom of the list of 50 states on abortion.

Both states occupied those spots in the 2012 version of the list.

Americans United for Life president Charmaine Yoest released AUL’s annual “Life List,” a ranking of the 50 states based on their on-going legal efforts to create and sustain a culture of life. While the “Life List” notes legislative accomplishments from the previous year, it also takes into account each state’s cumulative record in defending and protecting the lives of their citizens – from conception to natural death.

article continues here

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