
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obama Admin OKs Vending Machine Selling Plan B Morning After Pill

 The Obama administration has approved a request by a college in Pennsylvania to sell the Plan B drug through a vending machine. The Food and Drug Administration will let Shippensburg University continue to dispense the morning after pill via a machine that it installed in the school nurse’s office.

As The Hill reports, the FDA decided not to intervene following a “politically motivated uproar” over the vending machine.

FDA looked at publicly available information about Shippenburg State’s vending program and spoke with university and campus health officials and decided not to take any regulatory actions, the FDA said.

Students at the university can obtain Plan B without waiting for an appointment by depositing $25 in the machine.

  The Etter Health Center at Shippensburg, which has 8,3000 students, sells the drug along with condoms, decongestants and pregnancy tests. College spokesman Peter Gigliotti said in comments to AP that the drug is available to anyone over the age of 17 without a prescription. The machine was installed after the student government association requested it.

“The machine is in a private room in our health center, and the health center is only accessible by students,” Gigliotti said in a statement. “In addition, no one can walk in off the street and go into the health center. Students proceed to a check-in desk located in the lobby and after checking in are granted access to the treatment area.”

article continues here 

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