
Monday, January 21, 2013

Obama Brings Pro-Abortion Record, Low Ratings to Inauguration

by Steven Ertelt 

As President Barack Obama is inaugurated today, he brings a stark contrast to his second term:  a large pro-abortion record and a small approval rating.

Gallup polling finds Obama’s first-term approval rating is the lowest of any post-World War II presidents.
“President Barack Obama averaged 49.1% job approval during his first term in office, among the lowest for post-World War II presidents. Only Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford had lower job approval averages,” Gallup notes. “Obama’s first-term average is most similar to Bill Clinton’s. Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, and Dwight Eisenhower were the most popular first-term presidents.”

In fact, Obama is near the bottom in Gallup’s compilation of presidential approval ratings when it comes to the average job approval rating during the president’s first term.

“Obama’s 48% job approval average for his entire fourth year is the lowest, tied with Harry Truman, among recent presidents who were successfully re-elected. The two recent presidents defeated for a second term — Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush — averaged roughly 40% job approval in their fourth year in office. Dwight Eisenhower had the highest fourth-year average, exceeding 70%,” it said. “Compared with the larger set of all 69 presidential years Gallup has measured since 1949, Obama’s 48.1% fourth-year average is below average. It ranks 47th out of 69, or in the 32nd percentile.”
The results are based on aggregated data from Gallup Daily tracking throughout Obama’s first term in office. Obama’s second term and fifth year in office began Sunday, when he was officially sworn in during a private ceremony, ahead of Monday’s public celebrations.

article continues here 

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