
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reclaiming the Human Center of the Abortion Debate

When people are confronted by the horrific reality of abortion and how it effects individual children, mothers, families, and our communities, they can be swayed.

  The footage you’ll see in the video is from the Congressional briefing hosted last week where we explored how abortion affects children, mothers, and our communities.

In the video, you’ll see inspirational testimonies from Abby Johnson, who recounted her experiences working for Planned Parenthood; Rebecca Kiessling who told her story how she was conceived in rape and targeted for abortion; Dr. Alveda King who examined how the abortion industry targets the African American community; Georgette Forney, who shared her testimony as a post-abortive woman who is “Silent No More;” and finally, Melissa Ohden who bravely talked about how she survived a failed abortion.

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