
Monday, January 28, 2013

Susan B Anthony List Wins Court Victory

A federal judge has tossed out the lawsuit filed by ex-Congressman Steve Driehaus – a self-described “pro-life” Democrat – who sued the SBA List for defamation and “loss of livelihood” after they exposed his vote for taxpayer funding of abortion in Obamacare to his constituents during the 2010 election cycle.

And now, because of our victory, politicians are going to think twice before betraying unborn children. 

 This case was designed by their opponents so they could get their hands on their confidential documents and e-mails, bury them in legal bills, throw Marjorie Dannenfelser  in jail, and ultimately -- shut them down. 


Because they stood up for the unborn and defeated 15 of 20 “pro-life” Democrats who caved and handed Nancy Pelosi and President Obama the votes they needed to pass taxpayer funding of abortion in Obamacare. 

Instead of closing their doors, they are more emboldened than ever in their mission.

Just take a look at the March for Life and the 500,000+ pro-lifers who braved freezing temperatures to be a voice for unborn children and their mothers.

Try suing all of them!

… We will not be silenced.
… We will not be intimidated.
… We will continue to hold politicians accountable.
… We will never stop being a voice for the voiceless!

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