
Saturday, February 9, 2013

A 29-year-old woman died [Feb. 7] ... of fatal complications suffered during an abortion

    A 29-year-old woman died [Feb. 7] ... of fatal complications suffered during an abortion at 33 weeks performed by Leroy Carhart at Germantown Reproductive Health Center in Germantown, Maryland....

    The woman, who came for a third-trimester abortion from out-of-state, arrived at GRHC on Sunday and was seen by pro-life activists every day through Wednesday. Eyewitnesses said she appeared 'pale and weak.'

    Early Thursday morning, the woman began suffering chest pains and other discomforting symptoms. Her attempts to reach Carhart were unsuccessful. The woman was taken by her family from her hotel to a nearby hospital emergency room at approximately 5:00 a.m. Efforts by hospital staff to contact Carhart or get informational assistance from the abortion clinic were unsuccessful.

    The patient suffered massive internal bleeding into her abdominal cavity. She slipped into a Code Blue condition approximately six times before finally succumbing to her injuries at around 9:30 a.m. The case has been placed with the Medical Examiner for further investigation.

    'Three things need to happen here,' said Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. 'First, the state of Maryland has to shut down Carhart's killing business. Second, every person who cares about this needs to spread the word immediately about this tragedy, to awaken the consciences of our neighbors. This includes pastors speaking out about the harm abortion does, and it includes all of us telling the stories of those harmed and killed by abortion.

    'Third, we need to redouble our efforts to mobilize people in the pro-life cause. If this latest tragedy isn't enough evidence that the time to end abortion is now, then what is?'
Indeed. Hopefully the young mother truly repented in the last moments of her life. As for Carhart, we can pray for his conversion or, if he's completely closed to God's grace, for his natural death so that he won't kill any more people.

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