
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Abortion Doc Apologizes for Assuming Pro-Life People are Jerks

by Abby Johnson

If you are ever unsure about the work we are doing, you can now feel confident that it works!  I received an email from a current abortionist this week. He received one our ATTWN fliers from a prayer volunteer.  Here is his first contact to me.

“Pro-lifers, anti-choice, please just admit you dislike women already will you? There is a big pink elephant here, though. I do wonder if you would understand.

As an OB/GYN I was trained to perform the procedure involved with a pregnancy termination.The procedure is called a D&C.As well as late-term abortions. Or would you know about that Abby? Women should not be forced to be a “baby factory” as many of us have heard it termed. Guilt trips? Those flyers don’t help.”

I responded and told him that our goal was to help people leave the abortion industry through practical help, compassion and healing.  I also explained that our fliers were indeed working.  I told him that we have helped FOURTY-FOUR workers find help after leaving the abortion industry.  I wasn’t sure at the time if he was a current abortionist…then I got his response.  Warning: there is graphic language in this email response.

continue reading article here  

 Abby Johnson is an American pro-life activist. Johnson had previously worked at Planned Parenthood as a clinic director, but resigned in October 2009. She later stated that she resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound.

Johnson is the chief research strategist for Live Action.  She holds a B.S. (psychology) from Texas A&M University and an M.A. (counseling) from Sam Houston State University.


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