
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Congressional Bill Would Stop Secret Abortions on Teenagers

 by Steven Ertelt

Senator Marco Rubio is introducing a a major pro-life bill, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, today that would stop secret abortions on teenagers.

The bill would require an abortion practitioner to notify a parent before performing an abortion on a minor who resides in a different state. It would also make it a crime for a non-parent to transport a minor across state lines to evade a parental notification law.

National Right to Life originally helped develop the bill in 2005 and the House of Representatives approved it 2005 and again in 2006, but died in the Senate when most Democratic senators supported a filibuster.

In a February 12 letter urging senators to co-sponsor the new bill, NRLC said, “Parental notification or parental consent laws, consistent with existing Supreme Court case law, are in effect in more than half the states.  However, these laws are often circumvented — activity that is actively encouraged by abortion clinics’ out-of-state advertising in non-notification states, highlighting the avoidance of parental notification as a selling point.  Only Congress has the authority to deal with this interstate activity, and the CIANA would do so.”


article continues here

Link to article on Rubio pro-life committment

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