
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Former Pro-Choice Woman Speaks Out

My abortion was “physically traumatizing and emotionally painful”

Editor’s Note: The author of this article has requested to be identified as Abby. Here is her personal story.

I am a 26-year-old, working as a weather forecaster in Washington, D.C. I have experienced a traumatizing medical abortion and am a recent convert to the pro-life movement.

At the start of my college career, I got involved in women’s right groups with my friends and strongly supported abortion for all women at their discretion. I saw nothing wrong with someone wanting to pursue all the opportunities that she could. My view has changed dramatically after my own personal experience:

A year ago I went to an OBGYN and said I needed a termination of pregnancy. I was “only” six weeks pregnant, but at 25 I had no job, and my parents couldn’t really afford to look after me, so I decided that termination would be the most appropriate course of action.

My boyfriend had no opinion either way, and I didn’t tell anyone else. The doctor was quite cheerful, examined me, and was all too helpful to do blood tests and explain the abortion-inducing pill procedure without even mentioning counseling, talking to a friend, or asking about my mental health. This pill is claimed to be the “safest” and “most convenient” method for early termination. I thought, “Great, it’s all over in three days!” and went on my merry way.

First pill down, no side effects. Forty-eight hours later, time for second pill. One hour after that, I was screaming and crying, writhing in agony on the floor. I couldn’t move; I was on the verge of passing out; I couldn’t even see – blinded by the pain.

My boyfriend picked me up and rushed me to the emergency room, where I waited, still sobbing and thrashing with pain. When the triage doctor finally saw me, my blood pressure was dangerously low, and my heart rate was all over the chart.

When I told him about the abortion, he callously said that I would be “fine” and pricked me with a needle to jolt my blood pressure higher – but still dramatically low. I was sick for two more days, drugged up on the heavy-duty painkillers that the ER doctor had prescribed for me.

When I returned to the OBGYN a week later and told him about my ordeal and severe reaction, he just looked at me questioningly and said, “You seem all right; you didn’t bleed out.” No sympathy, no concern.

These “convenient,” “safe,” and “easy” medical abortions are downright dangerous. After researching (which I admittedly should have done beforehand), I have found that there is nothing “safe” about them – hemorrhage, massive drop in blood pressure, and shock are just some of the plethora of side effects.

My agonizing experience, not to mention the intense guilt I still feel (for I’m sure the baby was in agony as well), has made me realize that abortions do nothing more than hurt the mother and the baby.

I no longer believe that abortion is “pro-woman.” It only serves to burden our minds and hurt our bodies. If the doctor had recommended counseling, or if I had spoken to my parents, I am almost sure that I would have kept my baby. Perhaps not – but if I’d known about what I was going to put myself through, I definitely would have thought twice.

link to a site that explains post-abortion syndrome 

link to Project Rachel 

1 comment:

  1. Post Abortion Stress Syndrome affects everyone! Whole families can be affected by this one decision, usually made in haste. It is not to be taken lightly and there are many great organizations available to help. I’ve included links to two of these organizations for those who may need assistance or may know someone who is suffering and in need of assistance.
