
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Obama Tells NARAL We Celebrate Roe v Wade


by Steven Ertelt  

In a videotaped address to the NARAL pro-abortion group last night, President Barack Obama told the organization that he celebrates the Roe v. Wade decision, that has resulted in well over 55 million abortions.

“Tonight we celebrate the historic Roe v. Wade decision handed down 40 years ago, but we also gather to recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care,”
According to a Politico report, Obama thanked outgoing NARAL president Nancy Keenan, calling her abortion activist “a friend and counselor to me and my administration,” and welcoming the new NARAL president, left-wing political activist Ilyse Hogue.
“And I welcome Ilyse Hogue, who we know will continue Nancy’s legacy of outstanding leadership of this organization,” Obama said.
During the dinner Hogue said abortion is “foundational to every other thing we want to achieve” in a video released Tuesday by NARAL called “Meet Ilyse Hogue.”

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