
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Planned Parenthood Botched Abortion, Left Part of Baby Inside Woman

by Steven Ertelt

A Planned Parenthood abortion patient has filed suit against the abortion business for botching an abortion so badly that it left part of the body of the unborn baby inside her afterwards.

Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life legal group, filed suit on behalf of a Colorado against Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and one of its doctors. The mother says the abortion facility forced her to undergo an abortion without anesthesia and then left part of her baby’s body inside of her.

The lawsuit alleges that 40-year-old Ayanna Byer changed her mind about the abortion after Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs could not provide her with the agreed-upon intravenous anesthesia for pain, but the abortionist proceeded with the abortion anyway. ADF informed LifeNews that, once the abortion was complete, Byer was sent home but ended up in an emergency room two days later because the abortionist had botched the procedure.

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