
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pray and Fast For Those Who Work in Abortion Facilities

From Eric Scheidler

In recent weeks, my staff and I have been preparing the talks from our conference last year -- CONVERTED: From Abortion Providers to Pro-Life Activists -- for public distribution.

Inspired by the conversion stories of these former abortionists and clinic staff, I would like to invite you to join me in a special fasting effort during the season of Lent, which begins tomorrow.

Specifically, I'm asking you, if possible, to give up one meal each week of Lent and offer that sacrifice specifically for the conversion of someone working in the abortion industry.

It could be Monday breakfast, Tuesday lunch, Wednesday dinner -- just one meal each of the next seven weeks, offered up for that individual to awaken to the truth and quit their job.

If you regularly visit an abortion facility to pray or counsel, you could offer your special fast for one of the staffers you see out there.

But you don't need to have a specific person in mind: God will know which abortion worker your prayers and fasting are being offered for.

Pray that this person will repent of their involvement in abortion, quit that job, get legitimate work in some other field and find a true spiritual home where they can come to know our merciful Lord.

I'd also like to ask you to invite your pro-life friends to join us in this fast, provided that doing so won't undermine their health.

Meanwhile, I hope to have those talks from last year's CONVERTED conference available for you in both audio and video form by Easter.

Perhaps by then, our prayers and fasting will have been answered by more men and women joining the ranks of former abortion providers and testifying to God's mercy in their lives.

Use this link for more information on the Pro-Life Action League

Personal guide to prayer and fasting

Eric Scheidler is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. 

1 comment:

  1. Prayer and fasting are the most powerful spiritual disciplines a Christian can acquire. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life and the lives of those for whom you pray. Many babies have been saved due to pro-life advocates practicing these disciplines, and many former abortion workers have been turned around. Some now speak out publicly on the atrocities they have participated in and witnessed.
