
Saturday, February 9, 2013

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement today regarding the death of a young woman during a late-term abortion at the Germantown, Md., clinic of LeRoy Carhart.

"It has happened again. Another mother has been killed by so-called 'safe and legal' abortion. It happens constantly, in fact, but the abortion industry usually succeeds in covering it up. And even when they don't, the rest of us succeed in keeping it relatively quiet. That has to change today."

"Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart began an abortion procedure a few days ago on a woman who was about 33 weeks pregnant. These abortions are legal, and he performs them at his killing center in Germantown, MD. Yesterday, she developed complications. The abortionist could not be reached. She was taken to the emergency room by private vehicle, and she died.

"Three things need to happen here. First, the state of Maryland has to shut down Carhart's killing business. Second, every person who cares about this needs to spread the word immediately about this tragedy, to awaken the consciences of our neighbors. This includes pastors speaking out about the harm abortion does, and it includes all of us telling the stories of those harmed and killed by abortion.

"Third, we need to redouble our efforts to mobilize people in the pro-life cause. If this latest tragedy isn't enough evidence that the time to end abortion is now, then what is?"

"No longer will we allow these women to remain unknown to the American public," Father Pavone said. "The silence ends today."

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing "safe" about abortion; not for women and especially not for the babies. More stories like this need to be shared so everyone knows just how horrible abortion really is.
