
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

245 Babies Spared from Abortion to Date During 40 Days for Life Campaign

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director

Here we are – Day 20. I can’t believe we’re at the halfway point already! There’s still a lot of praying to be done, but it’s OK to pause briefly and count the blessings God has already provided.

As of today, we have reports of …

245 babies (and their mothers, of course) spared from abortion – that we know of!

Here are some of their stories.


“I finally met my match,” said Dan in Milwaukee. “I had completely dressed for the worst – but this snow came down fast and hard – and then kept coming,” he said. “At times, it seemed like it was coming down sideways! I would have understood if our vigilers had stayed home – but they kept showing up!”

Around 7:30 that evening, a woman struck up a conversation with one of the volunteers. “How many babies have you saved out here doing this?” she asked. “Are you really doing any good harassing women?”

Dan provided the answer – 294 saves in the past three years. She said, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Dan responded, “Let’s hope so.”

Five minutes later, a young mom and her support person came out. She looked lost, so Dan asked her if she was going to be OK. She said, “I’ll be fine.”

Dan then asked, “Is the baby OK?” She said, “Yes – baby is good, too … yeah – I’m keeping him.”

Twenty minutes after that, a young mom came out in tears. “It’s going to be OK,” she said. “I’m keeping the baby.”

When Dan encouraged her to seek help at the pro-life pregnancy center, smiled and said, “Thank you – thank you for being out here for us.” Dan responded, “You and your baby made it all worth it – all of it!”


Monica had some terrific news to pass along from the 40 Days for Life vigil in Glendale. “Within a week we have had 10 turnarounds!”

For reasons unknown, Planned Parenthood was closed on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday of the previous week.

“They are normally open on those days,” Monica explained. Six of those turnarounds took place on those days the facility was not open. “The sidewalk counselors were able to help and give information to the local crisis pregnancy center,” she said. “I praise God and thank all the people who are praying to end abortion.”


“My family and I just witnessed a turnaround!” wrote an excited 40 Days for Life volunteer in Pensacola.

They watched as a young couple drove into the abortion center parking lot – but never got out of their car. After a while, they backed up to where the vigil participants were praying … and took their picture.

The woman rolled the window down, and announced with a big smile, “I didn’t do it! I’ll bring the baby by to show!”

“Praise almighty God!” the volunteer said. “Peaceful, prayerful witness works!”

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