
Thursday, March 7, 2013

All I Really Need to Know About Andrew Cuomo…

By Dave Andrusko,

Twenty five years ago, Robert Fulghum told us in a gigantic bestseller, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” Well, I would suggest everything you really need to know about the deviousness, insincerity, and claptrap surrounding New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new mega-abortion proposal can be found in the first paragraph of this story from the Associated Press: “A new coalition lobbying for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s women’s rights agenda said it supports his decision to link popular measures against workplace discrimination and human trafficking with a hotly debated abortion measure.”

Get it? If you’re in favor of human trafficking you’ll oppose the Governor’s yet to be spelled out in detail expansion of abortion. These people are shameless.

Cuomo about took the roof off in a demagogic State of the State speech in early January in which he  called for passage of the Women’s Reproductive Health Act. As the AP put it, “Cuomo reached a crescendo in that speech when he promised to ‘Enact a Reproductive Health Act because it is her body, it is her choice. Because it’s her body, it’s her choice. Because it’s her body, it’s her choice.’”

I guess Cuomo believes if you repeat something enough, people will be impressed—and/or take you seriously. I know I took him at his word as did the usual cadre of pro-abortion politicians and interest groups.

continue reading here 


 Dave Andrusko is the editor of the National Right to Life News

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