
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

During 40 Days for Life Campaign - God Spares 554 Lives!

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director

Before I take a break from email, I do want to thank you for all you’ve done the past 40 days … and to let you know that we are aware of …… 554 babies spared from abortion through God’s mercy these past 40 days!

Those are 554 stories of children -- made in God's image and likeness -- who were so close to becoming another statistic. But because of your prayers, and your courage to be there for their moms, they have life.
It is in this spirit of thanksgiving -- for their lives and our lives -- that we enter into the most important week of the year. This week we hand all of our weaknesses and doubts over to Christ, who takes them to the Cross, overcomes death ... and reminds us that with Him, all things are possible -- even ending abortion.


Gerald was praying at the vigil in White Plains when somebody walked off with his backpack. But before he could get too concerned about that, he noticed two women heading his way – an older woman and a younger one.

The older woman told him they had driven two hours from upstate New York. The young woman had an abortion appointment, but now she is “probably going to have the baby.” She asked Gerald for information about pregnancy services.

That information, of course, was in Gerald’s backpack. But he passed along two pro-life pregnancy hotline numbers that he knew, as well as the web address of the Sisters of Life.

The young woman was smiling and said “God bless you” as Gerald waved good-bye. He said he’d been praying about the missing backpack, but “God responded with a much greater blessing!”


Floyd in Kalispell says two babies were saved from abortion. In both cases, the mothers are 16-year-old girls.
One of these young women arrived at the abortion center with her mother, her aunt and one of her mother’s friends. Inside, the girl had an ultrasound exam.

The technician was telling her that she had a “tissue growth” that they could take care of for her. At that point, the girl’s aunt snatched the sonogram printout from the technician’s hand. “Look at this ultrasound!” She said. “It’s a baby!”

“The aunt convinced the young lady that it was in her best interest to have the baby,” said Floyd. “All the ladies left the clinic and haven't been seen since.  We have heard that the young lady went to the pregnancy center with her aunt -- and all is well.”


A man stopped his car next to the prayer volunteers and asked where the abortion center was, since his wife had an appointment. One of the vigil participants talked to him, gave him some information … and convinced him to not keep the appointment.

A while later, the volunteer saw that same car, around the corner, parked off the side of the road.
The man and woman were feeling pressured and confused because the abortionist called to pressure them, asking why they had not shown up for their appointment.

The prayer volunteer assured them they were doing the right thing – that God will take care of them, to leave and not to have any second thoughts. The woman was very grateful, and told him God had sent him.
They contacted a pregnancy support center, where one of the workers confirmed that they had made a definitive choice to keep the baby.

“We at the prayer site are all rejoicing,” said one of the local leaders, “and giving thanks and praise to God for this wonderful miracle of life.”

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