
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


From Father Frank Pavone, National Director

Most states in our country don't let a minor get an abortion without informing at least one parent. But many of those states border other states that have no such requirement. And there is no legal obstacle to an adult taking that minor across state lines for an abortion about which the parents will never know.

Yet now, legislation has been introduced in Congress to change this. The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act would prevent adults from taking children for abortions behind their parents' backs. Please make a phone call to encourage the passage of this bill.

As I write this, there are already 74 cosponsors of this bill in the House of Representatives. We want to get more, and we want to encourage those who already stand with us. Actually, this commonsense legislation almost became law a few years ago, but pro-abortion Democrats blocked it.

The bill had actually been passed by both the House and the Senate, but Democrats blocked the committee that was supposed to reconcile the different versions of the bill so that the President could sign it into law……which he was willing to do!!

So now we, and more importantly, our children and their children, have another chance. And most Americans support this legislation.

Friends, the abortion industry is unscrupulous. Every abortion is business for them. They oppose parental involvement laws, and they don't care if the minor on whom they perform the abortion is from a state that has such laws.

The abortion industry will not reform itself. Therefore, the law has to step in to protect our children and grandchildren!

At this point, you can help advance this legislation with a simple phone call.

use this link to find the phone numbers for your congress members 

 Priests for Life exists to assist clergy and laity to fight the culture of death ... to unite and encourage all in the Church to give special emphasis to the life issues in their ministry ... and to help them take a more vocal and active role in the pro-life movement! 

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