
Thursday, March 21, 2013


From Father Frank Pavone

I need your help today to get the strongest pro-life bills in the nation signed into law!

The Governor of North Dakota is about to receive two bills on his desk, HB 1456 known as the “Heartbeat Bill” and HB 1305 which would stop abortions done for sex selection or fetal abnormality.  The Governor is pro-life, and those close to him think he will sign them.

But the pro-abortion forces are going to put tremendous pressure today and in the next few days to get him not to sign them. That's why I'm mobilizing our forces to act quickly, today, to contact him either by phone, fax, or email, to encourage him to enact these bills into law. We need to act today, because he could sign or veto these bills at any moment.

The legislators of North Dakota have passed the strongest pro-life bills in the nation. The "Heartbeat Bill" would prohibit abortions of a baby with a detectable heartbeat. The second bill would prevent abortions done for sex selection or fetal abnormality (like Down Syndrome.)

A baby's heartbeat can be detected around 6 weeks. And as for Down Syndrome, somewhere around 80% of unborn children diagnosed with this condition are killed! So these laws are needed. Again, the Governor is pro-life.

But some are making the argument that because the pro-abortion crowd would challenge these laws in Court, the state would spend too much money in legal fees. But we say, if the people of North Dakota want to protect their unborn children, let the fight begin!

After all, what is worth more to spend money defending than life itself!

And a victory in North Dakota on these bills will inspire other states to enact them as well. This has national implications, which is why people from every state are being invited to do this.

Use this link for info on sending messages to the Governor of North Dakota to encourage him to sign these bills into law

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