
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Way to End Abortion Funding in Obamacare

From Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

We have a test case in Oklahoma that is providing a roadmap for the rest of the nation.  Pro-life Oklahoma legislators have found a way that promises to stop the Obama administration from forcing taxpayer funding of abortion down your throats.

As you know, there has been tons of controversy as to the real financial cost of ObamaCare -- both to individual citizens and the nation's economy.

But the one thing that is clear is that federal funding of abortion is so ingrained in multiple places in the law is that the only way to end that funding is to kill ObamaCare and let the Congress start over fresh.  And the good news is there is now legislation in Oklahoma that will do just that.

You see, when the Supreme Court came down with their decision on ObamaCare, they made a key ruling.  They struck down the part of President Obama's plan that forces states to implement his federal mandates, saying "The States are separate and independent sovereigns. Sometimes they have to act like it."

Already federal officials are trying to force employers to provide abortion pills as part of their package of health insurance coverage. Business owners would be forced to provide abortion coverage, or face draconian fines.  And although today, they "only" want to force you to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, with a stroke of the pen tomorrow, Obama's minions can add forced coverage of surgical and even late-term abortions.  Worse still, while the state absorbs the cost of the program, it is forced to follow all of Obama's federal regulations which require coverage of abortion drugs or worse.

I believe the Supreme Court painted a clear roadmap out of ObamaCare, but the Obama administration and their allies nationwide are working to force this deadly mandate on American employers and taxpayers.

Oklahoma HB 1021 would stop the Obama administration right in their tracks -- preventing them from forcing taxpayer funding of abortion via ObamaCare Oklahoma.  Oklahoma pro-lifers are already pushing legislators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on HB 1021 -- and other states across the nation are following their lead.

I'll continue to keep you filled in as Oklahoma moves forward with their legislation, and I hope that you will encourage your state legislators to follow their lead.

Use this link to help the National Pro-Life Alliance continue their efforts

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