
Friday, March 22, 2013

Post-Abortion Baby Parts Now a Booming Business

By Steven H. Aden, Guest Contributor
The culture of death demeans human life and perverts our view of reality. It actually forces us to view one another inhumanely or as just another commodity by reducing us to a mass of cells, blob of tissue, or a mixture of atoms that are here today and gone tomorrow, with no eternal consequence and no moral obligations. And viewing our existence on earth through that paradigm, it's not hard to see how some not only choose to kill their babies in the womb, but even sell parts of those aborted babies to the highest bidder in the name of science.

Case in point: StemCells, Inc. just put out a news release for investors in which they announced their latest money-making opportunity – using the brains from aborted babies for research.

Of course they don't call the brains "brains," nor do they mention that the organs were part of a baby once residing safely in a mother's womb. Rather, they label the material proprietary HuCNS-SC®, or "purified human neural stem cells." (Both of which sound far more appealing than "the brain we just removed from the child the doctor killed and threw away.")

And since StemCells, Inc. has already received the approval of President Obama's Food and Drug Administration for this research, it's off to the races.

article continues here 

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