
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Song of the South

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director

Being from the Bible belt prepared me for the pro-life movement where Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals are united in prayer and action to defend life.

This unity is something we should be proud of ... and it is certainly something the abortion industry notices as we strengthen each other in our common faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

As a Catholic who grew up in east Texas, I know a good Baptist when I see one. Recently the Southern Baptist Convention did a huge story on 40 Days for Life and a great article on one amazing Baptist woman -- our friend Katherine Hearne.

Katherine has everything you could love about the south ... including her faith, courage and beautiful Carolina accent. Katherine and her friend, Andrea Hines, a Catholic, led 40 Days for Life campaigns in Charlotte since the beginning of this effort and as a result have helped save hundreds of lives.

See what God can do when we stand together for His children.

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