
Friday, March 22, 2013

Stop Taxpayer Funding of Abortion in PA

Pennsylvania can opt out of abortion funding under the health insurance exchange being created by the Federal Health Care law (Obamacare).

Senate Bill 3 (SB3) and House Bill 818 (HB818) are identical in language, and either one would meet our objective to stop taxpayer funding of abortion in PA

Use this link to send a message to our legislators 

Use this link to find your State Representative and State Senators 

Sentale Bill 3 can be read here

Please circulate in emails to pro-life friends and family members, and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.

Please pray and, if health permits, fast for passage of SB 3/HB 818. Prayer can move legislative mountains.

Please take ONE MINUTE and submit our online petition!


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