
Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Essential Role of Forgiveness

By Melissa Ohden

 Editor’s note. Melissa, the survivor of a “failed” saline abortion in 1977, speaks all over the world including at the last two National Right to Life Conventions. 


I had just finished a presentation at his high school recently when a young man approached me with this painful admittance.  “I feel like I’m a bad person,” he whispered as the tears streamed down his face.

I didn’t need to guess at what might lead him to think such a thing about himself. I had just finished speaking to the students about the impact of abortion. But when he was finally able to slow the sobs racking his body and explain further, I was still both surprised and devastated.  

Everyone has a story, especially when it comes to abortion and how it has changed them personally or someone they know.  In the last six years, I have met thousands and thousands of people whose lives and stories have touched me, changed me, and shaped the work that I do.

Yet in all those years and all those talks and all the follow up discussion, no young man’s story has affected me more. Why?

article continues here 

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