
Friday, April 5, 2013

Abortion, Gosnell and the Truth

By Edel Finnegan

In last week’s Philadelphia Inquirer piece, Kate Michelman and Carol E. Tracy opined why women chose Dr. Kermit Gosnell to perform their abortions, they refused to admit that it was the lack of oversight and regulation that gave us the Gosnell tragedies.

For more than twenty years, pro-life people prayed outside of Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Clinic at 38th Street and Lancaster Ave.  Abortion rights advocates never joined us on those often cold Saturday mornings, despite the fact that they were well aware of Gosnell’s reputation.  After the Gosnell story broke, the National Abortion Federation claimed that it would not refer women to this abortionist.  But according to the Grand Jury Report, the National Abortion Federation never reported Gosnell to authorities.  So, women were harmed and some died alongside their babies.

Despite abortion advocates’ and like-minded media members’ claims to the contrary, abortion is readily available in Pennsylvania.  In 2012, 16,813 abortions were performed in the Keystone state.  The majority were done here in Philadelphia. There are multiple abortion facilities and hospitals that willingly end the life of child for an average cost of about $450.

continue reading article here 


 Edel Finnegan is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Union. Ms. Finnegan has worked in the pro-life movement for two decades with a special focus on emergency pregnancies and support services. She can be reached at "".



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