
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Obama's Achilles' heel--preborn babies

Amidst the nation's numerous tragedies occurring today, we find our president willing to comfort the victims and rush to their aid. While this is both necessary and most certainly appreciated by those suffering, we must not forget those tiny victims of the nation's most appalling tragedy – the victims of abortion. Not merely forgotten by our president, these innocent victims have been brushed aside and considered only a problem to dispose of – problems that necessitate not even a second thought. Today's commentary addresses the relationship between Obama, Planned Parenthood, and the beautiful babies so carelessly discarded. Apparently there is something about the juxtaposition of an abortionist who kills born-alive babies and a Planned Parenthood "gala" that turned the president's tummy. Or at least that is what some are suggesting.

The White House says that Obama wanted to spend more time with the families of the Texas explosion victims and therefore had to cancel his Thursday evening Planned Parenthood gig.

But lest you think he may have had a change of heart or actually developed a dislike for the world's leading abortion marketing group, let me be clear: He has not. In fact, he will speak to the organization's gathering today instead of being in its presence last night.

This is what we do know about the Obama, Gosnell, Planned Parenthood conundrum: Since Kermit Gosnell went on trial to face capital murder charges, Planned Parenthood has been nearly silent. The Gosnell trial has been replete with horrific details. The facts were so bad from the start that, according to LifeSiteNews, "Gosnell has been denied bail while the case against him moves forward. Women have spoken out about their treatment and one woman says she was drugged and tied up and forced to have an abortion."

During the entire trial the Obama White House has remained silent. Some have noted that the reason for this is that during an ongoing trial the president never makes a statement, no matter what the case involves. Perhaps.

But not all bastions of abortion have been silent.

Apparently the Gosnell situation is so bad that the National Abortion Federation (NAF), which accredits abortion mills, voted to suspend memberships with abortion facilities connected with Gosnell in Delaware and Louisiana. What this means is that the NAF will no longer refer women to those locations if they are seeking an abortion. However, it is important to note that the organization did the same thing once before in 2011, so chances are the sanctions will not last. But at least it did something!

Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, has done all it can to avoid condemning Gosnell and his brutal practices. The organization Tweeted once saying, "Gosnell case is appalling. He ran a criminal enterprise, not a health facility, and should be punished to full extent."

But this is the only negative we have seen from the abortion behemoth.

Hence, I have come to the conclusion that there are so many similarities between Barack Obama's philosophy and Planned Parenthood's practices that his decision to cancel out on the "gala" has nothing to do with Gosnell, period.

Pro-lifers might want to think this is so because it makes them feel good, but let's get real!

Obama has said time and again that he supports Planned Parenthood. Even when Live Action caught its shenanigans on tape, lying to young women, Obama defended Planned Parenthood, telling the media, "You know my bottom line is I think that Planned Parenthood in the past has done good work. If there was a specific problem at this center, it should be addressed, but we shouldn't get so distracted with some of these issues."

Now MY tummy is soured.

Obama deceives the public. Planned Parenthood deceives the public. Together, they make up two peas in a very deadly pod. No, Obama is not distancing himself from Planned Parenthood because of the Philadelphia butcher. He probably really did want to stay in Texas a bit longer for the sake of the families of those killed in the fertilizer plant explosion.

Born people who die tragically seem to get Obama's attention; it's the preborn ones he cannot stand to acknowledge!
By Judie Brown

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