
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Progress in Harrisburg; Action Required; April 24th Event

From Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

Thank you again for your support of efforts to effect pro-life public policies in our state government.  I report on three topics.

1.  Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out Legislation

2.  Other pro-life legislative initiatives

3.  Continued non-action by Gov. Corbett's Administration

1.  Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out Legislation

On April 12, 2013, I reported the passage of the Senate version of this legislation, S.B. 3, in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee on April 10, 2013.  I also expressed a concern, shared by other leaders in the Pa. pro-life movement during an April 11, 2013 conference call, that the House Health Committee had scheduled a vote on the House version of this legislation, H.B. 818, on April 15, 2013.

Our concern was that the passage of H.B. 818 by the House, rather than waiting for and passing S.B. 3, would result in the same impasse that prevented the passage of this legislation during the 2011-2012 legislative term.

Since I sent my April 12, 2013 e-mail, I have learned that the April 10, 2013 passage of S.B. 3 by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee finally resulted in serious negotiations between the Pa.House and Senate leaders about this legislation.  The bad news from these negotiations is the continued insistence of House leaders that this legislation be a House bill and their continuing refusal to run the S.B. 3 in the House.

The good news from these negotiations is that Sen. Don White, the Chairman of the Pa. Senate Banking and Insurance Committee, proved to be a genuine pro-life legislator and statesman and agreed to run H.B.818 in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee.  Senate President Scarnati and Senate Majority Leader Pileggi both supported Sen. White's decision.

So, on April 15, 2013, the Pa. House Health Committee passed H.B. 818 on a mostly party line vote.  All of the Republicans (except Rep. Scott Petri, who was absent) voted for H.B. 818 and against the "health exception" amendment and all of the Democrats voted for this amendment  and against the final bill, except for Rep. Gerald Mullery who voted for the final bill.

On April 17, 2013, the Pa. House took up H.B.818 on second consideration, which means debating and voting on amendments.  The House defeated all of the amendments offered by pro-abortion representatives.  The results of these votes are available on the Pa. House website.

The Pa. House Appropriations Committee is likely to vote on H.B. 818 on April 22, 2013 with the final passage in the House vote occurring on April 23 or 24, 2013.

Senator White, Senator Corman (the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee), Senate President Scarnati and Senate Majority Leader Pileggi have all promised prompt action on H.B. 818 in the Pa.Senate once the House passes H.B. 818.

2.  Other pro-life legislative initiatives

These developments concerning Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out legislation provide welcome news.  Nevertheless, the passage of this legislation is long overdue and does not nearly suffice for the aggressive pro-life legislative agenda that should be enacted by a House, Senate and Governor with pro-life majorities and position.

I believe that a strong consensus exists among Pa. pro-life leaders that our next pro-life legislative initiative should be legislation (similar to that passed by the U.S. House in March 2011) to de-fund abortion committers, such as Planned Parenthood.  Rep. Daryl Metcalf introduced such a bill (H.B. 2465) in May 2012, but it received no action in the House.

Opportunity for Effective Action on April 24, 2013

The passage of a de-funding bill and/or any other pro-life legislative initiative will require significant activity by pro-life citizens in Pa.  I request your participation in a press conference and "Lobby Day" in our State Capitol on Wednesday, April 24, 2013.

At 9:30 AM, Rep. Rick Saccone is hosting a press conference in the media center to promulgate a resolution by the Pa. General Assembly that promotes April 30, 2013 as a Day of Prayer and Fasting.  This day is the 150th anniversary of such a proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on April 30, 1863.  Use this link to view this resolution 

use this link to see an earlier article promoting this day 

I believe that some pro-life citizens are planning appropriate activities for April 30, 2013 in their local areas.  For example, in S.E. Pa., a prayer vigil and sidewalk counseling will occur on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 from 9-11 AM at the Planned Parenthood abortion chamber in West Chester.  Abortionist Lee Tripp commits abortions at this abortion chamber on Tuesdays.

After the Press Conference on April 24, 2013, at approximately 10 AM, we will gather in the Cafeteria for a briefing and organizational meeting.  We will then meet with and distribute information to certain key legislators.  Please join us for this effort in our State Capitol.

3.  Continued non-action by Gov. Corbett's Administration

My April 12, 2013 e-mail reported on our continuing efforts to obtain positive results from the March 4, 2013 meeting with Lt. Gov. Cawley and Sec. Branstetter. Since then, another week of non-action and another promise from Lt. Gov.Cawley of, "We'll get back to you," has occurred.

Nevertheless, more disappointing , was a recent letter sent by Pa. Dept. of Health (DOH) Acting Secretary Michael Wolf.  In this letter, Acting Sec. Wolf continues the highly intellectually dishonest practice of the DOH, under Gov. Corbett, of stating that they "need complaints" before they will act on our requests.

For example, one clear implication of Acting Sec. Wolf's position is that, before DOH will act to stop the abortion industry's cover-up of sexual assaults against minors, the DOH requires a"complaint" from one of these girls 15 or younger "treated"at an abortion facility.  This position is outrageous, effectively exempts the Pa. abortion industry from our child abuse reporting laws, and conflicts with Gov. Corbett's position as Attorney General.

The evidence of these cover-ups is in the reports filed by the abortion facilities. We are asking the DOH to require Pa. abortion facilities show the mandated reports for the abortions they commit on girls 15 and under.  If these abortion facilities fail to make these reports, then we are asking the DOH to revoke the license for those abortion facilities that fail to do so.

I request that you also contact Lt. Gov.Cawley and request a positive response to our March 4, 2013 requests of Gov.Corbett's Administration.  His contact information is

Lt.Gov. Jim Cawley
200Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg,PA  17120-0022

1 comment:

  1. Below is the correct link to House Resolution No. 17
