
Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Pilgrimage to See the Replica of the Shroud of Turin

This isn't the type of story you usually see here.  I strayed off course today after a pilgrim visit to see a replica of the Shroud of Turin. What Our Lord suffered on Good Friday over 2000 years ago was because of the indifference we see in nations all around the world; terrible sins that have become rampant in our world. 

We are all so caught up in our daily struggles and sometimes they seem to consume us. But once in a while, you get to step back and put them in perspective, and today was one of those days for me.  I hope everyone takes the time to view these photos and meditate on just how cruelly Our Lord was treated and ask for His Divine Mercy on all of us and on our whole world. 

This morning my Mom, my sister, Kathy, and I had the privilege to visit St. Mary's Church Ukrainian Church in Bristol, PA to view the replica of the Shroud of Turin.

When you actually see the face of Jesus on the cloth, and see the marks from blood stains from the piercing of the sword, you forget all your problems.  They seem so small in comparison to what Our Lord suffered on our account.  Below are pictures I took today while there. 

Image of Christ's face

Image of the blood stains from where the sword pierced Our Lord's side

Replica of nails and hammer used to secure Christ to the cross

This is a replica of the crown of thorns that the soldiers forced on Jesus' head

Here is a link to the official website of the Shroud of Turin if you'd like more information

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