
Monday, April 15, 2013

Save One Child, But Not Children in the Womb

ReBloged from Freedom First

 President Obama said, in a speech in January 2013, that steps should be taken that would “save even one child from what happened in Newtown”, however; he didn’t say anything about the millions of children lost to abortion.
Each year an average of 833,533 children are killed during an abortion procedure. In 2003 alone, 11,874 unborn children were legally murdered in a late-term abortion procedure.
That’s why I find it hard to believe that our Commander-In-Chief wants to save one white child from gun violence, and is a proponent for late-term abortion. Apparently he is not interested in saving children who are about to be born, children that would otherwise be viable outside the womb in an induced delivery at the same gestation rate as late-term abortions. And then there’s the fact that he is virtually silent on the children murdered by gun violence in Chicago, a city which has the toughest gun laws in the country.  Cont. Reading


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