Voices for Life Is a blog dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues.
Our focus is to protect the sanctity of all human life from conception until natural death. This includes protecting babies from abortion, fetal tissue experimentation, and embryonic research; and the general population from euthanasia, cloning, population control and human genetic engineering.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Sixth Abortion Clinic Closes in Michigan in Recent Months
by Jill Stanek
Word came yesterday morning that the American Family Planning
abortion clinic in Dearborn, Michigan, is shutting its doors as of this
This makes the sixth abortion mill to close since last September. The others were in Detroit, Livonia (2), Muskegan, and Niles.
The clinic’s manager confirmed this to pro-life activist Chris Coatney,
who has been praying at this mill for 11 years and developed a civil
relationship with her. Chris observed no abortions had been committed
since the start of last week.
LifeNews.com Note: Jill Stanek
fought to stop “live birth abortions” after witnessing one as an RN at
Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. That led to the Born Alive
Infants Protection Act legislation, signed by President Bush, that would
ensure that proper medical care be given to unborn children who survive
botched abortion attempts.
For those who may get discouraged standing outside of these facilities praying for the victims of this atrocity, here is some proof that God does hear our prayers and is answering them; one abortion facility at a time!
For those who may get discouraged standing outside of these facilities praying for the victims of this atrocity, here is some proof that God does hear our prayers and is answering them; one abortion facility at a time!