
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stop Censoring the Abortionist Gosnell Mass Murder Trial!

A letter sent by Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and 20 prominent leaders calls on the broadcast networks to stop censoring coverage of the trial—pointing out that since the trial began ABC and NBC have given the story zero coverage in their morning and evening news shows. (On April 15, CBS finally ended their on-air coverage blackout airing 2 segments on the story a month after opening arguments began.)

It is clear why the liberal media would not want this story to get out—because it would expose the American people to the truth about the horrific and ghastly practices of abortionists and compel everyone with a sense of decency to call for an end to such practices. But that is in direct opposition to the liberal media's agenda—and that is why they won't cover it.

So now, it's up to us. We need you to stand with us. If you are disgusted and outraged by this blatant censoring of the news—the deliberate blocking of the truth of this horrifying case of abortionist and alleged murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell—then we urge you to let your voice be heard.

Stand with us, stand up for the countless victims of these gruesome deaths, and stand for truth by signing our petition to demand that they stop censoring the news and tell the truth.

A letter sent by Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and 20 prominent leaders calls on the broadcast networks to stop censoring coverage of the trial—pointing out that since the trial began ABC and NBC have given the story zero coverage in their morning and evening news shows. (On April 15, CBS finally ended their on-air coverage blackout airing 2 segments on the story a month after opening arguments began.)
It is clear why the liberal media would not want this story to get out—because it would expose the American people to the truth about the horrific and ghastly practices of abortionists and compel everyone with a sense of decency to call for an end to such practices. But that is in direct opposition to the liberal media's agenda—and that is why they won't cover it.
So now, it's up to us. We need you to stand with us. If you are disgusted and outraged by this blatant censoring of the news—the deliberate blocking of the truth of this horrifying case of abortionist and alleged murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell—then we urge you to let your voice be heard.
Stand with us, stand up for the countless victims of these gruesome deaths, and stand for truth by signing our petition to demand that they stop censoring the news and tell the truth.
- See more at:

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