
Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Face of Abortion Revealed in Philadelphia Trial!

From Father Frank Pavone

That is Kermit Gosnell.  He’s the abortionist on trial in Philadelphia for killing a 41-year-old woman and murdering seven healthy, viable babies.  He delivered the babies alive and then used a pair of scissors to cut their spines!

I was in the courtroom last Tuesday.  I was but a few feet away from this man.  It was a gut-wrenching experience.  It all sounded like the Nuremburg trials when Nazis were held accountable for the atrocities committed in the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dachau.

It is an outrage that this can happen in America!

But Kermit Gosnell – the man who truly is the face of abortion – and his “House of Horrors” is the result of legalized abortion-on-demand. What he did is typical of what goes on inside every abortion mill in the country. And because it is, we must hold nothing back in our fight to end abortion.

The Gosnell abortion trial in Philadelphia is GROUND ZERO in our fight to end abortion!

Priests for Life has played a key role in getting the national news media to finally do its job and report on the trial.  Bryan Kemper – head of Priests for Life’s Youth Outreach and a genius when it comes to using social media technology – spent several days last week working to organize a national “tweetfest” which encouraged people to use their mobile phones to send text messages and “tweets” to members of the national news media urging them to cover the Gosnell trial.

Bryan worked hand in hand with Andy Moore and we engaged the help of our good friend Troy Newman. Prior to their action, there was almost zero coverage of this trial. But thanks to Bryan and the team, over 600,000 people senttext messages … and boy, did they get results!

CNN’s Anderson Cooper was the first to respond.  He devoted sixteen minutes of his air time to the trial.  And from there other cable outlets, TV networks and newspapers started to cover the trial.

- Today the Philadelphia Inquirer ran an Op-Ed piece I wrote.  Click here to read it

- Thursday  afternoon I’m convening a conference call with roughly fifty pro-life leaders to finalize a strategy on how each one of us can use the Gosnell trial to rip the blinders off our fellow Americans and get them engaged in the fight to end abortion.

One short-term goal will be to expose and end the killing of children who can live outside the womb.  Children like the ones Gosnell killed.

- We’re also taping some special programs for our “Defending Life” series that airs on EWTN.  Tens of millions of people will watch these shows.

But that’s not all.

- Even as you read this we are busy putting together “End Abortion Action Kits” that we want to send to every priest in the country … all 48,000+ of them!  These packets will contain information such as:

  • Key facts on Kermit Gosnell and his “House of Horrors”
  • The grisly details of what this butcher did to innocent women and children
  • Explain that what Kermit Gosnell did is NOT the exception but the rule when it comes to late-term abortions
  • Facts on what happens in all late-term abortions …including illustrations
  • The devastation abortion has had on America since 1973
  • Pertinent Church documents on the injustice of abortion
  • Suggestions on how to use the Gosnell trial in Sunday homilies
  • Actions they can take to get their parishioners directly involved in the fight to end abortion… and more!

I know not every priest will do as I recommend and get personally involved in the fight. But I also know that thousands of them will.  And for every priest we convince to preach against abortion …… thousands of people will join the cause and help us win victory over abortion!

In addition to contacting my brother priests, Priests for Life is sending similar information packets to as many pastors of other denominations as we can.

The bottom line is this:

The Kermit Gosnell abortion trial in Philadelphia is our chance to:

1. Show America that this “House of Horrors” is typical of every abortion mill in the country.  And…

2. Rouse them to anger and rally them to rise up and help us end the killing!

Unfortunately, and as much as I wish it were otherwise, it’s going to take a lot of money to do all that we have planned over the next few weeks.

Adding to that is the fact that once a verdict is reached in this trial, the publicity is going to fade away.

That’s why we’ve got to act NOW!!!

The news media has finally taken notice and is covering the trial. Now it’s up to us to keep the spotlight on the abortion industry and keep them on the defensive.

I truly believe that just as we were able to win a ban on partial birth abortions when we showed America how abortionists were killing those children in the process of delivery, so we can use Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” to win a ban on other forms of late-term abortions.

And Priests for Life is going all out to do just that.

Use this link to help Priests for Life convince the public that it's time to end the slaughter! 

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