
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Tragedy of Abortion

From Matt Smith, President 
Catholic Advocate 
All life is sacred.

Last week, we grieved for the victims of a vicious terror attack and horrific accident, rallying behind Boston and West, Texas, during their times of tragedy. We celebrated the heroism of the first responders working — and risking their own lives — to protect the lives of thousands of innocent bystanders.
Why did a Pennsylvania judge yesterday throw out three of seven first degree murder charges against Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor accused of killing seven infants after they were born alive?
How does President Obama justify headlining the Planned Parenthood annual gala tomorrow night?
For a country that talks about treasuring life during times of tragedy, we certainly turn a blind eye to the tragedies happening every day in Planned Parenthood clinics and other doctors' offices throughout the country.
The double standard is horrifying. As Americans, we should praise those who defend and protect life instead of bankrolling those who take life away with our tax dollars. This is why we urgently need to support the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, which will ban federal funding from any organization that performs abortions.

Will you call your member of Congress today and ask him/her to support the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act?
Our goal is to reach all 435 Congressional offices by May 1 — one week from today. Can we count on your help? 

Thank you in advance for standing up for the sanctity of life.

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