
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Health Care? 92% of Planned Parenthood’s Pregnant Customers Get Abortions

by Calvin Freiburger

For such a proud defender of the “right to choose,” Planned Parenthood notably chafes at the suggestion that its primary business is abortion. The organization’s spokespeople have laughably claimed that abortion constitutes just 3% of their services – yet LifeNews reports that Planned Parenthood’s 2011-2012 annual report shows that 92% of the pregnant women who come to them receive abortions.

LifeNews also report several astonishing findings from the Susan B. Anthony List’s analysis of the numbers:

  • During fiscal year 2011-2012, Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. Taxpayer funding consists of 45% of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.
  • In 2011, Planned Parenthood performed a record high 333,964 abortions.
  • Over the past three reported years (2009-2011), Planned Parenthood has performed nearly one million abortions (995,687).
  • Planned Parenthood reported a total of three million clients in 2011, meaning that 11% of all Planned Parenthood clients received an abortion.
  •  In 2011, abortions made up 92% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, while prenatal care and adoption referrals accounted for only 7% (28,674) and 0.6% (2,300), respectively. For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 145 abortions.
  •  Cancer screening & prevention services and contraceptive services provided by Planned Parenthood continue to drop. Contraceptive services have dropped by 12% since 2009, and cancer screening & prevention services have dropped by 29%.

continue reading here 

 Calvin Freiburger is a Wisconsin-based conservative writer and 2011 Hillsdale College graduate, dedicated to the principles of the American Founding—individual liberty, limited government, public virtue, and strong defense—though he believes no issue is more important to a free society’s survival than defending the unalienable rights of society’s most vulnerable members. Calvin was previously a regular contributor to and the Hillsdale Forum, and now also writes for His work has also appeared on,,,, and his personal blog ( In high school and beyond, he aided the pro-life cause both as a volunteer for Pro-Life Wisconsin and as a member of HeartBeat Teens, a Fond du Lac County pro-life youth group.

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