
Thursday, May 23, 2013


  Reblogged from Murder in a Hospital 

Abortion: So Which Of The Other Ten Commandments Do You Ignore?

Ten Commandments? What, that old list of outdated laws? After all they are 3,000 years old. Get with it folks. Times have changed.

Of course I’m being facetious. An incident at my brother-in-laws church puzzled both of us. Somehow a discussion of abortion came up and most of the women in the group were pro-abortion. Here these women were religious and supposedly believed in the word of God but thought that it was perfectly alright to kill an unwanted baby. They called it a woman’s right to choose. How far have we gone with this subject?
We have gone from believing abortion was for incest, rape and health of a mother to the article below that was in the Weekly Standard March 29, 2013 by John McCormach
Florida legislators considering a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion were shocked during a committee hearing this week when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion.
Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.
“So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief,” said Rep. Jim Boyd. “If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
“We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician,” said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, “What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
“I do not have that information,” Snow replied. “I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Did you ever think we would come this far? Just the idea that it is being discussed is beyond the pale. It sounds so logical when pro-abortionist and pro-euthanasia enthusiast talk about a person’s right. The right to their own body or the right to die with dignity. This is the tease. What they don’t tell you is the slippery slope that occurs as in the example above. What starts off as reasonable develops into something far more sinister slowly introducing more and more of the end game.
What is the end game? That is what I am trying to discover…………..To be continued.

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