
Thursday, May 9, 2013

California Providing Free Condoms to 12 Year Olds

How many parents do you know who would want to encourage their teenagers as young 12 years of age, to have sexual relations? Would you as a parent?

The California Family Health Council is doing just that. Through their California Condom Access Project, they are expanding their program to provide free condoms to kids as young 12 years of age via their website. Furthermore, kids do not need parental permission and the kids are being told that they don’t have to let their parents know anything about it.

The Condom Access Project is a non-profit organization whose website states that it is all about getting free condoms to youth ages 12-19. The very top of their home page states:

“Sex + Health = You”
Then in large red letters it says:

Below that it says:

“Looking for free condoms? You have come to the right place! The Condom Access Project (CAP) is a free service that provides condoms for youth in California (12-19 years old). If you’re having sex, protect yourself and your partner by using a condom every time. Enter your info below to find out how you can get free condoms near you.”

Condoms can be mailed to the youth or they are told where a clinic near them is where they can pick them up. According to the program, youth living in STD hot spots can receive a package of 10 condoms plus lubricant once a month.

The justification behind the condom project is because some areas of the state have high rates of STDs. Rather than address the issue of kids having sex, the program focuses solely on trying to provide them with condoms so they will have safe sex. It doesn’t matter to them that kids should not be engaging in sexual activities. They say that since they are, they want to help make it safer.

Using that same logic and justification, you may as well make drugs and alcohol available free to them also. After all, we all know that thousands of youth 12 to 19 illegally use alcohol and drugs, so let’s make it safer and easier by just having them go online, order it and have sent to their homes.

It’s this kind of attitude that has led to the moral decay of our nation. Such programs only promote and approve of immoral and sinful behavior. Instead of dealing with those wrong and damaging behaviors, our local, state and federal governments just find new ways to encourage them to delve deeper into sexual depravity.

We’re raising a generation of sexual deviates who believe that anything goes and there is no real right or wrong anymore. It’s no wonder we’ve lost the next generation to the liberal progressives and why Obama got elected and re-elected


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