
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life is Sacred

by Judie Brown

Kermit Gosnell wants to live.

He may be depressed after his conviction for three murders
- only a sample of the hundreds of living babies he tortured and killed in and out of their mothers' wombs -
but Kermit Gosnell knows what is important to him now.

Life is precious, after all, isn't it?

As a matter of fact, life is so precious, it is better to live under horrible conditions, confined to a cell for life, exposed to potential violence from prison inmates who resent the presence of a monster in their midst.

Even the darkest evil cannot deny the sacred value of life.

At American Life League, we are guided by a light that will never be extinguished.

While even our allies resort to shallow concepts of justice and legal or political remedies ...

... in a society that elevates economic fairness and niceties over God's law ...  

... American Life League stands for eternal truths.

Life is precious.

Life is sacred.

Evil cannot and will not be tolerated.

God's children will stand strong with us.

We must continue to expose such evil in our midst, we must keep fighting FOR life and AGAINST all those abortionists who remain in the killing fields! 

With Kermit Gosnell's sentencing to prison, there is one less abortionist plying his evil trade.  But there are many more that we must expose, and many more hearts we must turn to the Lord and to our Lady of Life. 

Please pray for all the babies, and please pray for all those involved in this evil practice.  With your prayers, we can save many lives and souls now, as we work to save all babies, no exceptions, no compromise.  God bless you. 

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