
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Obama Equates Abortion To The Flu -

I would argue that it is easier to understand and justify slavery than it is to justify abortion. With that thought in mind, let me remind you that there is a trial taking place in Philadelphia in effort to find an abortionist Kermit Gosnell guilty of what was seven murders. (Three of the seven murder charges were dropped by judicial edict.)
Before I get into the blood, bones, and dismembered bodies of the babies Gosnell murdered, let me remind you of another fact.
Between 1882 and 1968, there were 3,446 blacks lynched in the United States. That is a span of 86 years. Today in the United States there are 1,876 black babies murdered in the womb every day – which means the total known number of blacks lynched over an 86-year period is surpassed approximately every 45 hours.  Continue Reading 

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