
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pro-life advocates Rally to Stop the Killing at Carhart’s Abortion Center


The rally, an inspiring witness to a community bound together in the common cause of protecting their women and children from abortion, was held in response to Carhart’s brutal, inhuman activity and neglect, fatal to women and children both, in his Germantown facility. Even though the abortion facility is located in a commercial complex and not in a residential area or near a university campus, the protest pulled in a crowd of over two hundred. Protesters gathered on the lawn to present a united front against Carhart’s operations and the damaging effects of abortion. The rally demanded true protection and empowerment of women, justice for Jennifer and Madison Morbelli, and the revocation of Carhart’s license to practice in Maryland.
Speakers at the rally included:
  • Lila Rose, Live Action President
  • Mary Gabriel, Live Action Strategic Development Director
  • Dr. Grace Morrison, Founder of Pray for Germantown
  • Mallory Quigley, SBA List
 Investigation into Carhart’s center:

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