
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tell Your State Senator: Vote Yes on House Bill 818 to Stop Tax Funding of Abortion!

Tell Your State Senator:  
Vote Yes on House Bill 818 to Stop Tax Funding of Abortion!     

Starting next  year, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be in the abortion business, unless the state Senate passes House Bill 818.  The bill, which was reported out of a Senate committee last week, would ban abortion coverage in the health insurance exchange created in Pennsylvania under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). 
ACTION: Please call your state Senator and urge him/her to vote "YES" on House Bill 818 and "NO" on any weakening amendments. If you don't know who your state Senator  click here and input your address, city, and state. A window will then pop up with the name of your state Senator.

If you have questions, please contact Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, at 717-541-0034

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is  committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection to unborn children.


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