
Friday, May 3, 2013

Urgent Legislative Alert: Bill to Stop Tax Funding of Abortion Faces Critical Committee Vote May 7

From Maria Vitale Gallagher,
Legislative Director

We have just learned that our bill to stop tax funding of abortion in Pennsylvania is expected to be voted on in the Pennsylvania Senate Banking and Insurance Committee Tuesday, May 7th.

If your state Senator is on the Banking and Insurance Committee, please call the Senator’s office with this message:  “I do not want my tax dollars supporting abortion.  I urge the Senator to vote yes on House Bill 818 and no to any amendments when it is voted on in committee on Tuesday.”;

You may recall that House Bill 818 allows Pennsylvania to opt out of abortion funding under the health insurance exchange created by the federal Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  There is actually a provision written into the Affordable Care Act, allowing states to opt out of abortion funding and, at last count, 21 states have done so.  Pennsylvania needs to be next!  

A list of the Senators on the committee, and their contact information, is below.  It would also be good to email the Senator and let the Senator know you are urging a “yes” vote on HB 818 and a “no” vote on any amendments. You can email him or her through the contact form on the Senator’s website.

Please forward this message to all appropriate lists.  Unless HB 818 is passed by the state Senate and signed by the Governor, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be in the abortion business next year—and we don’t want that to happen!

If you don’t know who your state Senator is, use this link and input your address, city, and state.  A window will then pop up with the name of your state Senator.

Members of Senate Banking and Insurance Committee:

Sen. Don White-- (717) 787-8724  (Majority Chair)
Sen. Mike Stack-- (717) 787-9608 (Minority Chair) 

Majority Members:
Sen. John Eichelberger-- (717) 787-5490
Sen. Joseph Scarnati-- (717) 787-7084
Sen. Pat Browne-- (717) 787-1349
Sen. Mike Brubaker-- (717) 787-4420
Sen. Jake Corman-- (717) 787-1377
Sen. John Rafferty-- (717) 787-1398
Sen. Pat Vance-- (717) 787-8524
Sen. Kim Ward-- (717) 787-6063

Minority Members:
Sen. Lisa Boscola--(717) 787-4236
Sen. James Brewster-- (717) 787-5580
Sen. Lawrence Farnese-- (717) 787-5662
Sen. Anthony Williams-- (717) 787-5970

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