
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

BREAKING: El Salvador Makes Heroic Decision For Life!

From Lila Rose, President
Life Action

Wonderful news from the pro-life nation of El Salvador!
The Supreme Court of El Salvador has made a just and commendable decision in the case of 26-year-old Beatriz. Though hospitals around the world volunteered to perform an abortion on Beatriz's disabled child - saying, in effect, "let us kill your baby for you" - El Salvador rebuffed these grisly offers and treated both Beatriz and her pre-born child in a humane way: by delivering the baby, and thus giving this innocent a chance to live.

El Salvador has shown what true medical compassion looks like, all while keeping in line with medical science and plain common sense. Hundreds of doctors in Ireland, another pro-life country, recently published the Dublin Declaration, which states unequivocally that abortion is never needed to save a woman's life. Here in the United States, Dr. Anthony Levatino, a reformed abortionist, testified that over the course of more than 1,200 abortions, he never had to commit one to save a woman's life.

The Beatriz case reinforces once again the humanity, compassion, and good sense that come from a nation respecting the dignity and equality of all human life. I pray that all the world's nations, including our own, will follow El Salvador's heroic example.

I hope you'll join me in celebrating this phenomenal victory for the equality of all people and the enshrinement of human rights.

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