
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dear Cecile Richards: Stop Using Martin Luther King Jr. to Promote Abortion

Dear Cecile Richards,

Please stop abusing civil rights history to justify your present-day killing fields. Martin Luther King Jr’s memory is not a dummy that you can manipulate like a ventriloquist.

Although he regrettably accepted the inaugural Margaret Sanger Award from the nation’s largest birth control chain in 1966, he wasn’t praising the slaughter of millions that Planned Parenthood was plotting to make central to its mission.

 The nation’s abortionist-in-chief tweeting about Juneteenth, a celebration of the abolition of the dehumanizing institution of slavery, is like China celebrating freedom of speech. “No one is free until all are free” apparently doesn’t apply to the millions of innocent human beings Planned Parenthood grinds in industrial garbage disposals, flushes down drains or stuffs into biohazard waste bags.

As with everything else with your billion-dollar empire, one has to put things into a truthful context. In 1966, abortion wasn’t legal.

MLK wasn’t praising the dismembering and suctioning of defenseless human beings. He, like many others during the 60s when Planned Parenthood feigned advocacy of strong families, was duped by an industry birthed in eugenic racism, that preached overpopulation mythology, demanded discriminatory immigration policies, and promoted forced sterilizations through its state eugenics boards. By the way, Elaine Riddick sends her love.

continue reading here

Ryan Bomberger, has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of Purpose.  His biological mother was raped yet courageously chose to continue the pregnancy, giving him Life. He was adopted as a baby and grew up in a loving, multi-racial Christian family of 15. With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great appreciation for diversity. Ten of the thirteen children were adopted in this remarkable family. His life defies the myth of the “unwanted” child as he was adopted, loved and has flourished.

Today, he is an Emmy® Award-winning Creative Professional who founded The Radiance Foundation, a life-affirming 501(c)(3), along with his wife, Bethany. They have made an unexpected impact in the pro-life movement with the bold billboard/web campaigns. As the first pro-adoption themed ad campaign created to address the disproportionate impact of abortion in the black community, the effort received massive media coverage from The New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Washington Times, Fox News, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, and, seemingly, the entire blogosphere. The extensive media attention enabled The Radiance Foundation, and Ryan’s personal story of adoption, to reach millions.  Working in conjunction with noted national civil rights leaders like Dr. Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), Ryan is involved in national efforts to expose and defund Planned Parenthood by illuminating this human rights injustice.

 He is a featured blogger on and addresses the cultural dynamics of abortion, eugenics, and the beautiful act of adoption.

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