
Friday, June 14, 2013

Evil Hag Pelosi:

Late Term Abortions Are ‘Sacred’

At press conference this afternoon, she not only condemned a bill that would prohibit abortions during the final four months of pregnancy (with an exception for when the life of the mother is at risk), but referred to the practice as “sacred ground.” All while claiming to be a “respectful Catholic” no less.
If this is not evil, I’m not sure I know who – or what – is.
Asked to describe the moral difference between what convicted murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and aborting those same infants moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer.
“As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics.”
Leave it Pelosi to not only sickeningly place the murder of unborn children on “sacred ground,” but to denigrate the Catholic religion and drag it down into the gutter where she resides at the same time. Kudos, you hypocritical immoral jackass.
The evil hag then proceeded to lie through her teeth – claiming the bill that passed out of committee on Wednesday would ban all abortions, when in fact it’s a prohibition on abortion during the final four months of pregnancy – the point at which science indicates babies can feel pain and survive long-term if born.
“They would make it a federal law that there would be no abortion in our country.”
What a shame that Pelosi’s mother didn't believe in the sanctity of late-term abortion as well.

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